January gave everyone at CrestRidge a chance to catch their breath and rest a bit after the busy Christmas season – but they didn’t rest for long! Folks welcomed in the New Year with indoor S’mores and fun photo props, and the end of the regular football season meant an end to the football pool…

December Activities
What a wonderful December it was at CrestRidge! Folks enjoyed helping make everything merry and bright, including their doors for a holidy decorating contest. What fun to see all the creativity, and thanks to staff and families who joined in. Staff and residents also enjoyed a football poll organized by resident Ralph. You’re never too…

November Activities
November started with a wonderful wedding anniversary celebration for two residents who’ve been married 72 years. What a milestone! To commemorate Veterans Day, folks visited the Veterans Memorial and Train Depot in Ridgeway and enjoyed a patriotic concert. Resident veterans were also awarded certificates of recognition for their service. Gerald led Baking Group and showed…

October Activities
October 2 was National Coffee with a Cop Day, and staff and residents were pleased to welcome six officers from the Dodgeville Police Department plus K-9 officer Charlie and the Mayor of Dodgeville! It was a wonderful morning of great conversation and we so appreciated them sharing their time with us. Later in the month…

September Activities
The month of September focused on Back to School fun, celebrating Homecoming, dancing to a Sock Hop, and passing out yearbooks with a “Senior Superlative” for everyone. The week of September 8-14 was also National Assisted Living Week, starting off with Grandparents Day and a rousing game of Bingo with friends and family. There were…